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Case studies: VicHealth

Blog, Portfolio

Eating a varied diet of foods as they come into season may sound like the latest health advice, but it’s nothing new for Aboriginal peoples.

LifeSuccess stories to inspire healthy living

In preparation for developing case studies for VicHealth’s Life is health is life resource, I was lucky enough to talk with community groups throughout Australia who were undertaking a diverse range of projects aimed at engaging and inspiring Aboriginal Victorians to lead healthy and active lives.

Problem: To combine the scientific and real-life evidence of what is working in the health promotion space for Aboriginal people to provide a resource to inspire organisations working to close the gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal health outcomes.

Solution: Life is health is life is an innovative resource that combines case studies of promising health promotion projects in Victoria with a review of scientific literature on what has found to be successful in this area.

Icebreaker’s input: I developed a range of case studies highlighting successful health promotion stories from across the state. They included Bairnsdale Secondary College’s popular before-school football program, which has had a huge and positive impact on student retention rates, and the Koorie Heritage Trust’s Kooriez in da Hood fashion program, which gave participants the unique opportunity to launch their designs at a red-carpet fashion show.

Result: The Life is health is life resource is now freely available online and in hardcopy to provide information and guidance for action to improve the health and life expectancy of Aboriginal Victorians.

Download Life is health is life

Written by Kate Robertson